Duke nukem forever coop
Duke nukem forever coop

duke nukem forever coop duke nukem forever coop

We briefly touched on the graphics, but let it be known that you can expect a hideous looking creatures to assault your eyes. A few modern concessions have been made - you earn Experience points to level up and acquire new items for an interactive mansion - but for the most part, this is the kind of gameplay you can still get by booting up Quake.

duke nukem forever coop

With its dreary maps, piss-poor targeting and sloppy run-and-gun combat, Duke’s multiplayer somehow manages to be even less compelling than the dire campaign. Weapons feel fairly ineffectual, and the melee attack only occasionally connects with enemies. This wouldn’t be a big deal if enemies weren’t such bullet sponges and the weapons had any semblance of accuracy to them. The game features a number of weapons, but strangely for a game so proud of its nineties roots, you’re stuck to the modern contrivance of carrying two guns at a time. Combat creeps along at a sluggish pace and the lazy attempt at challenge consists solely of the huge amount of damage that opponents dish out compared to the ludicrous volume of ammo it requires to kill any of them. It’s a sad fact that even by the standards of ten years ago, this is a pretty mediocre experience. When it comes time to finally pick up one of the many dull guns and fight the many dull enemies, it doesn’t take long to conclude that shooting leaves a lot to be desired. The sad thing is that these boring sequences are among the game’s highlights. Look forward to an entire level where you have no weapons or combat, and instead need to find three random items to give to somebody for no good reason whatsoever, before being rewarded with ten seconds of unnervingly animated lap dancing. Look forward to mind-numbing sections in which you find barrels to weigh down cranes. If you’re expecting a non-stop rollercoaster of violence, then prepare to be disappointed. Instead, look forward to making Duke jump around with horrible controls that see him sliding off and bouncing from surfaces more often than not. After the rehash of the Duke Nukem 3D boss fight at the start of the game, it’ll take thirty minutes before you’re even given a gun. A huge portion of the game is given over to awkward, badly designed first-person platforming and physics puzzles ripped straight out of Half-Life 2, with not even a fraction of the ingenuity found in Valve’s games. For a game that prides itself on being a big, dumb shooter, you’ll be surprised to note that the game features comparatively little shooting.

Duke nukem forever coop