I searched around for something like 100 turns after the first time my empire killed a vulrathi spy, just trying to find their empire because we hadn't met. The AI can and will also use spies on you before it has even met you. It knows where your fleets are, and will run away from fleets moving to engage it even when it doesn't have sight on them yet. The AI knows if a planet it has never scouted, in the middle of your empire, has troops. No, Stardrive is getting flack because the AI is essentially omniscient and 8/10 AI species all beeline the same uber-efficient tech strategy, not "hard".

Star Ruler has more of a Hex system where you gain Research points and spent them on hexes some of them can also be bought with money energy or influence. Star drive uses the Mo2 Research function decide between 3 or use creative to get al. Star Ruler also has Multiplayer which Star drive lacks complety. Star drive also has loots of events which currently star ruler lacks completly except the artifact thing but oh well. The Race Customization in star ruler is also a bit weaker but its still there. You can still build stuff on that planet but it wont effect the planet as much as in Star drive. Star Ruler is more like you need planets with different ressources to make one planet level 5 so he will generate loots of money. Star drive is more like Mo2 you colonize a planet build stuff on it to make it better. Star ruler only has basic weapons nothing like pd weapons cluster rockets only:Ģ Lasers 3 Rockets 1 Railgun one armor piercing weapon.īUT you can do funny things in Star Ruler like building a ship that can shoot across solar systems with a laser :D Also theres no limit in how big a ship can be if you can pay it you can do it. Star drives Combat is better because you have many different ship sets and many different weapons. The Art Style is a bit well not my thing though. You can buy special cards to help you conquer planets etc. You can demand surrender to an enemy and he becomes some sort of client state. Star Rulers diplomacy works way better than star drives. Well both games have strong and weak spots. I hate it when there is a small sector of space around a star system and you can only move between these small predefined areas using space lanes or whatever - sort of takes away from the fact that space is supposed to be a pretty huge place to be (understatement). I haven't bought StarDrive2 yet but I really like the look of it - particularly the way you seem to be able to send you ships anywhere on the map (like the GalCiv and Distant World series), rather than the 'join the dots' system used be so many space 4x games (SotS2, Sins, Endless Space etc). The rest of the game is fine but that ruins it for me. I understand the economy system and I can manage it but it just feels ridiculous and totally takes me out of the game - as you say it's like playing a separate little mini-game.

I bought Star Ruler 2 but I just can't get 'into it' for the exact reason you stated. That is so immersion breaking it's not even funny Honestly, it seems to play like some little puzzle game from BigFish or something. Originally posted by Snaphaan:The biggest gripe I have with Star Ruler 2 is it's so called resource management between planets. The only three real complaints I hear are the difficulty, the agressive AI stance on diplomacy and the UI.Īnyone here played both with a valid opinion? So, why does Stardrive 2 get so much flak? Am I missing something. I also don't like the art style, the diplomacy icons seem rushed (personal opinion here) and I never get the feeling that the game has any soul - difficult to translate what I mean but think of it as "atmosphere". That is so immersion breaking it's not even funny. The biggest gripe I have with Star Ruler 2 is it's so called resource management between planets. I've only seen a few like the Vulfen animation but it's well done. Love the artwork, the beautiful planets, the combat effects (stunning) and especially the artwork for the races. The only gripe I have is that it doesn't seem to take itself too serious. The brutal difficulty does not bother me. From the outset I have to admit that I am hugely excited over this game. Stardrive looks amazing and seems to have received a lot of love.